- Our terrific volunteers always set Green Party election campaigns apart.
We need you. - There are volunteer opportunities to suit everyone. We are inclusive, flexible and always supportive.
- You will meet many like-minded people converting Green Party values into action on the climate crisis and our children’s future.
- Together we will promote the Green leadership we need for the world we want.
- Just one example: Research shows that knocking on every voter’s door or reaching them by phone once will increase our vote share by 50%. That’s the power of volunteering.
- Not to mention we Greens always have fun working together!
Volunteer With Us
Lots of Opportunities
Knock On Doors
We will train you, support you, partner with you, feed you, and thank you! Door knockers work in teams and have a theme for each outing, so you know what to say each and every day you go knocking. Comfortable shoes, a full (reusable of course!) water bottle, and an open mind are all you need to engage in what Greens call People Powered Change.
Make Phone Calls
Make calls from the comfort of home using our campaign phone number. Our large riding of Wellington-Halton Hills can’t be covered by door-knocking alone so we make lots of phone calls to connect citizens to our Green campaign. You can call on
your own using a prepared list, or if you’re comfortable with Zoom, join one or more Calling Parties.
Enter Data
Enter the useful data we collect from door knocking, phone calls and special events. Our ability to grow the vote is only as strong as the support we can identify. Your computer and some easy-to-learn basic skills will turn voter requests and citizen conversations into
info our campaign team can put to great use.
Join Our Sign Team
We want to see the Green wave
everywhere. Signs get stored, moved, planted and retrieved. Many
hands make light work. Can you help?
Join Our Event Team
Join the team for our campaign launch, as a host at information tables or when we gather to strategize and celebrate.
Your help with planning, set-up or whatever needs to be done will
be hugely appreciated.
Or How about?
RECRUITING LIKE-MINDED friends, family, and neighbors to grow
our team to vote Green.
WEARING A GREEN SHIRT, button, or hat. Host a sign. Be visible, be vocal and be everywhere, proud to be Green!
Apply Today And Be
A Part Of Our Team
Volunteer Application Form
We would love to have you on our team. Please complete the form and someone will be in touch!
Request a Lawn Sign
Get involved in local decision-making, join us at our Annual General Meeting, and enjoy the opportunity to vote locally as well as provincially and nationally.
You can make a minimum donation of $10 to become a member or renew a membership.
For more information on becoming a member of the Wellington-Halton Hills Green Party, please contact our membership coordinator, Cathy Hansen by email at cathy@whhgreens.ca or call 519 362 7906